Ultrax attended UKSpeech 2018

Korin Richmond and Sam Ribeiro attended UKSpeech 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. 

  • Korin Richmond gave an oral presentation titled Seeing speech: ultrasound imaging for child speech therapy with the following abstract:

It is estimated up to 6.5% of children (or two children in every classroom) in Britain suffer from a Speech Sound Disorder, defined as difficulty in producing one or more native language speech sounds. This can make it difficult for children to communicate normally, impacting self-esteem and leading to recognised risk of poor integration and educational attainment. Current speech therapy methods have little technological support, relying upon therapist and child client “ears”. Attractively, a medical ultrasound scanner offers the potential to visualise and monitor what is going on inside the client’s mouth. Here I will give an overview of our “Ultrax” project and its ongoing work to apply machine learning and signal processing techniques to develop ultrasound imaging as a useful technology to support child speech therapy.

  • Sam Ribeiro had a poster presentation titled Towards Robust Word Alignment of Child Speech Therapy Sessions. This is joint work with Aciel Eshky, Korin Richmond, and Steve Renals.

See the abstract here and the poster here.